dimarts, 24 de desembre del 2013

Creation of the Aïda Perruqueria Canina (Aïda dog grooming) website

Creation of the website dog grooming, design, illustrations and animations. Also in upgrading, maintenance and search engine positioning. Visit the website here: www.aidaperruqueriacanina.com

dijous, 14 de novembre del 2013

dilluns, 7 d’octubre del 2013

dissabte, 5 d’octubre del 2013

dijous, 19 de setembre del 2013

My first publication of my illustrations in the magazine Girona

Cover of Journey of Girona, Nº 280 where I worked. Setember 2013

Index of the Journey of Girona, page 108 "Taller de Creació".

Summary about me.

My first illustration on the text "Ara fumegen" about Maite Muns.

 My second illustration on the text "La casa de les dunes" about Maria Àngels Bosch and third illustration on the text "El poder de la paraula" about Mariona Masferrer i Ordis.

 "Ara fumegen" about Maite Muns.

"La casa de les dunes" about Maria Àngels Bosch

"El poder de la paraula" about Mariona Masferrer i Ordis.

Realistic portrait for a wedding.

Realistic portrait for a wedding of my cousin. Setember 2013.

Realistic portrait

Realistic portrait for my family. April 2013.

Evolution of illustration. April 2013.

Commissioned cartoons

Diferent cartoons for a wedding and their guests. June 2013.

James Bond 007

Illustration of Daniel Craig on Quantum of Solace. January 2013.

Cousin Cartoon

Cartoon made for my cousin Lluís Ortega. January 2013.


Cartoon made ​​for Alba Vila. December 2012.

Jaguar (Panthera onca)

Illustration for a poster about IBT (Institut de Biodiversitat Tropical). November 2012.


Two frogs: Alytes obstetricans and Pelophylax perezi for El Blauet Association - Amfibis de Salt Project (In process). May 2012.

Bee and flower

Final composition.

Progress of illustration.
Illustration for a Pad Computer to my friend Núria Molist. October 2012.

Happy Birthday!

Aïda drinking water in a river.

She and her sister.
Marriage rings.

Illustrations are part of a composition that I give to my partner for his birthday and promised her. November 2012.

dimecres, 18 de setembre del 2013

Calopteryx sp.

Personal illustration of an Odonata, Zygoptera, Calopteryx sp. (July 2012). Now it is used in a web page of which is now used for website Aïda Perruqueria Canina where I am a contributor.

Lapwings in flight

Personal illustration "Fredalugues (Vanellus vanellus)". March 2012.

Personal Illustration of Girona

Illustration of my city Girona. September 2012.

Realistic illustration (1)

Commissioning a realistic illustration for birthday celebration of marriage. April 2012.

Cartoons for my friends in Christmas

Sonia & David

Edu & Eli



Mireia & Josep

Xevi & Mònica



Víctor, Nana & Rosa

Sara & Ramona Grandmother

Christmas holidays 2012.