dissabte, 18 de gener del 2014

Joaquim Falcó

Illustration for Start an Art Project Nursery (Núria Rodriguez Solera), presenting the painter Joaquim Falcó will visit the school and be a work of art with Children. This way the children will be able to prepare for the big day, but knowing the artist, his work and working around the colors, permorming arts activites. "El somni de Maike (Maike's dream) for Edicions Bellaterra" (January, 2014).  

dimarts, 24 de desembre del 2013

Creation of the Aïda Perruqueria Canina (Aïda dog grooming) website

Creation of the website dog grooming, design, illustrations and animations. Also in upgrading, maintenance and search engine positioning. Visit the website here: www.aidaperruqueriacanina.com

dijous, 14 de novembre del 2013